Yakuza: Like a Dragon shops

There are a lot of different shops in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Each one offers different items, weapons, armor, or services. Here we catalogue each shop and what they sell or do. Now you don't have to go searching around for every little item until you find the right shop, simply reference this list and then go to the shop.
Poppo Convinence Store
The Poppo convinence store can be found on Tsurukame Highway. This shop can be found right across the street from the homeless camp. There's a part time hero vendor in here, and an ATM machine. They sell the following items:
Salmon Onigiri ¥130 (+50HP)
Lettuce Sandwich ¥300 (+100HP)
Bento Lunch Set ¥600 (+200HP)
Luxury Yakiniku Bento ¥1,200 (+300HP)
Pine Candy ¥162 (+80HP)
Oragamachi Natto ¥218 (+90HP)
BOSS Rainbow Mountain ¥120 (+10MP)
C.C. Lemon ¥160 (+15MP)
Cup Sake ¥300 (+50MP)
Bottle of Sake ¥1,000 (+100MP)
Toughness Light ¥800 (+200HP)
Tauriner ¥3,000 (+100MP)
Staminan Light ¥10,000 (+100HP and +100MP)
Burn Ointment ¥300 (cures burn)
Cold Medicine ¥300 (cures colds)
Paralytics Poultice ¥300 (cures paralysis)
Plant Staminan ¥6,000 (makes plants grow faster and yield more)
Plant Staminan Spark ¥10,000 (instantly grows plants and great yield boost)
Daikon Seeds ¥30 (grows into daikon)
Tomato Seeds ¥50 (grows into tomatoes)
Hot Pepper Seeds ¥70 (grows into hot peppers)
Potato Seedlings ¥90 (grows into potatoes)
Onion Seedlings ¥100 (grows into onions)
Ichiban Confections
Ichiban confections is a small shop across the Tsurukame Bridge. This is the location of the business management mini game. Ichiban confections is also a shop that sells a few healing foods. They sell the following items:
Ichiban Senbei (Shoyu) ¥300 (+120HP)
Ichiban Senbei (Salt) ¥380 (+150HP)
Ichiban Fried Senbei ¥480 (+200HP)
Imuraya Yokan ¥77 (40HP)
Imuraya Castella ¥327 (+85HP)
Hustle Botique
Hustle Botique is a small armor and weapons store across the river in Ijincho. They're near the survive bar. They sell the following items:
Iron Pipe ¥2,500 (52 attack, 30 magic, 48 healing, Hero job)
Bamboo Broom ¥3,200 (17 attack, 21 magic, 16 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, Homeless guy job)
Long Shoehorn ¥3,900 (33 attack, 17 magic, 19 healing, detective job)
Casual Bag ¥2,500 (24 attack, 19 magic, 23 healing, barmaid job)
Knitted Cap ¥3,000 (5 defense, 3 magic, 2 water resistance)
Jacket ¥3,200 (12 defense)
Loafers ¥2,900 (7 defense, 9 agility)
Kinka Pharmacy
Kinka Pharmacy is located next to the Kinka Bridge. This pharmacy has a lot of good medicines to buy if you have the money for them. They also sell Scalp D which gives style experience. They sell the following items:
Suntory Mineral Water ¥110 (+10MP)
Suntory Black Oolong Tea ¥180 (+15MP)
Toughness Light ¥800 (+200HP)
Toughness Z ¥2,000 (+400HP)
Tauriner ¥3,000 (+100MP)
Tauriner + ¥5,000 (+200MP)
Staminan Light ¥10,000 (+100HP and +100MP)
Staminan X ¥20,000 (+200HP and +200MP)
Burn Ointment ¥300 (cures burn)
Cold Medicine ¥300 (cures colds)
Paralytics Poultice ¥300 (cures paralysis)
Chinese Detoxers ¥300 (cures poison)
Astringent Gauze ¥300 (cures bleeding)
Turmeric Tablets ¥300 (cures drunk)
Mental Supplements ¥2,000 (cures all mental ailments)
All-Purpose Remedy ¥10,000 (cures all mental and physical ailments)
First Aid Kit ¥15,000 (revives a fallen ally with half of their HP)
Plant Growth Stimulant ¥2,000 (makes plants grow faster)
Plant Nutrient ¥1,000 (boosts yield from plants)
Plant Staminan ¥6,000 (boosts growth speed and yield of plants)
Plant Staminan Spark ¥10,000 (Instantly grows plant and greatly boosts yield)
Scalp D ¥3,900 (Gives style EXP)
Liquid Nitrogen Spray ¥10,000 (deals cold damage to an area of enemies and may inflict cold)
Mysterious Compost ¥150 ("You can probably harvest something from this")
Mysterious Bulb ¥200 (Grows into a plant)
Mysterious Seeds ¥250 (Grows into a plant)
Carrot Seedlings ¥400 (Grows into carrots)
Yun's Foods
Yun's Foods is a small little stand in the Geomijul territory. Don't let its name fool you, this food stall sells almost exclusively weapons and armor. All the weapons and armor here cost a lot of money. They sell the following items:
High-end Kimchi ¥500 (+150HP)
Iron Club ¥100,000 (86 attack, 52 magic, 81 healing, Hero class)
Snake Stick ¥108,000 (65 attack, 63 magic, 64 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, homeless guy class)
Rock-hard Kolbasa ¥110,000 (85 attack, 46 magic, 56 healing, detective class)
Leather Tote Bag ¥115,000 (81 attack, 60 magic, 80 healing, barmaid class)
Office Boxcutter ¥100,000 (66 attack, 42 magic, 69 healing, clerk class)
Royal Sword Replica ¥130,000 (90 attack, 41 magic, 56 healing, bodyguard class)
Sanguine Bandages ¥53,000 (74 attack, 50 magic, 52 healing, hitman class)
Sparking Rose ¥128,000 (73 attack, 63 magic, 84 healing, recover MP with normal attack, host class)
Silver Anklet ¥118,000 (65 attack, 46 magic, 89 healing, breaker class)
Iron Hammer ¥140,000 (94 attack, 41 magic, 80 healing, foreman class)
Thief's Mask ¥70,000 (15 defense, boosts the success chance of steal skills)
Smart Robe ¥50,000 (28 defense)
Absolute Safety Shoes ¥60,000 (28 defense, 10% impact resistance)
Romance Workshop
The romance workshop is a place where you can use building materials and yen to craft powerful weapons and armor. You can also upgrade current weapons. The romance workshop is a topic all in and of itself. To learn more, check out the Romance Workshop page.
Love Magic
Love Magic is a good weapons store for beginners. The prices are somewhat affordable for weapons that do decent damage for the early game. This place is found right near the Seiryu Headquarters, on romance street. They sell the following items:
Iron Pipe ¥2,500 (52 attack, 30 magic, 48 healing, hero class)
Massive Massage Machine ¥10,000 (62 attack, 37 magic, 58 healing, chance on normal attack to apply paralyze, hero class)
Rugged Cane ¥2,000 (11 attack, 16 magic, 10 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, homeless guy class)
Dandy Umbrella ¥12,000 (35 attack, 37 magic, 34 healing, recover MP with normal attack, homeless guy class)
Long Shoehorn ¥3,900 (33 attack, 17 magic, 19 healing, detective class)
Ascender No. 19 ¥13,200 (48 attack, 25 magic, 29 healing, chance on normal attack to apply paralyze, detective class)
Technical Bag ¥17,000 (38 attack, 29 magic, 37 healing, 20 dexterity, barmaid class)
Adult's Ruler ¥9,800 (24 attack, 15 magic, 25 healing, chance on normal attack t oapply brainwashing, clerk class)
Mail-order Katana ¥10,500 (44 attack, 18 magic, 24 healing, bodyguard class)
Leather Anklet ¥13,000 (29 attack, 21 magic, 43 healing, breaker class)
Magnum Bottle ¥14,000 (34 attack, 32 magic, 40 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, host class)
100t Hammer ¥18,000 (47 attack, 18 magic, 37 healing, boosts critical hit rate, foreman class)
Sexy Microphone ¥23,000 (40 attack, 32 magic, 54 healing, chance on normal attack to apply Charm, recover MP with normal attacks, idol class)
Sadistic Whip ¥500,000 (102 attack, 69 magic, 101 healing, chance on normal attack to apply bleed, night queen class)
Half Helmet ¥3,000 (9 defense)
Pink Ribbon ¥12,000 (7 defense, 8 magic, 7% electric resistance, Boosts the chance of applying status ailments from idol skills)
Embroidered Jacket ¥3,200 (11 defense, 12 dexterity)
High Cut Shoes ¥2,900 (6 defense, 3 magic, 6 agility, 5% electric resistance)
Hard Leather Boots ¥12,000 (11 defense, 4 magic, 11 agility)
Toy Bracelet ¥2,900 (5 magic)
Chicken Del Sol
Chicken Del Sol is a small food shop on the border of Seiryu and Liumeng territory. This shop just has a few food items. They sell the following items:
Addicting Bite-size Karage ¥250 (+150HP)
French Fries ¥198 (+100HP)
Special Frankfurter ¥100 (+60HP)
Super Spicy Frankfurter ¥120 (+70HP)
Fluffy Croquettes ¥80 (+50HP)
Lyemon Tokucha Green Tea ¥190 (+15MP)
Suntory Mineral Water ¥110 (+10MP)
Suntory Black Oolong Tea ¥180 (+15MP)
Welcome Pharmacy
Welcome Pharmacy is also on the border of the Liumeng and the Seiryu Clan. This pharmacy has a bunch of expensive healing items that are very helpful in battle if you have the money for them. They sell the following items:
Pine Candy ¥162 (+80HP)
Suntory Black Oolong Tea ¥180 (+15MP)
Toughness ZZ ¥4,00 (+800HP)
Tauriner ++ ¥10,000 (+300MP)
Staminan XX ¥30,000 (+300HP and +300MP)
Staminan Royale ¥40,000 (+500HP and 500MP)
Burn Ointment ¥300 (cures burn)
Cold Medicine ¥300 (cures cold)
Paralytics Poultice ¥300 (cures paralysis)
Chinese Detoxers ¥300 (cures poison)
Astringent Gauze ¥300 (cures bleeding)
Turmeric Tablets ¥300 (cures drunk)
Mental Supplements ¥2,000 (cures all mental ailments)
First Aid Kit ¥15,000 (revives a fallen ally with half of their HP)
Plant Growth Stimulant ¥2,000 (boosts plant growth speed)
Plant Nutrient ¥1,000 (increases harvest yield of plants)
Plant Staminan ¥6,000 (boosts growth speed and harvest yield of plants)
Plant Staminan Spark ¥10,000 (instantly grows plants, and greatly boosts harvest yield)
Twist Fragrance ¥1,980 (gives style experience)
Kao Attack ZERO ¥548 (used in crafting at romance workshop)
Cemedine Super X ¥550 (used in crafting at romance workshop)
Daikon Seeds ¥30 (grows into daikon)
Tomato Seeds ¥50 (grows into tomato)
Hot Pepper Seeds ¥70 (grows into hot peppers)
Potato Seedlings ¥90 (grows into potatoes)
Onion Seedlings ¥100 (grows into onions)
Garlic Seedlings ¥120 (grows into garlic)
Pansy Seeds ¥2,000 (grows into pansies)
Lily Seeds ¥3,000 (grows into lilies)
Pine Seedlings ¥5,000 (grows into pine)
Rose Seeds ¥4,000 (grows into roses)
Zhou Long Distribution
Zhou Long Distribution is a hole in the wall weapons shop in the Liumeng Territory. You can't buy from this shop until you progress far enough into the story to become friends with the Liumeng. They sell the following items:
Barbed Wire Bat ¥60,000 (78 attack, 47 magic, 73 healing, chance on normal attack to apply bleed, hero class)
Fortified Battle Cane ¥63,000 (53 attack, 53 magic, 52 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, homeless guy class)
Electric Police baton ¥65,000 (70 attack, 38 magic, 46 healing, boosts damage done by electric type attacks, detective class)
Battle Bag ¥57,000 (66 attack, 50 magic, 65 healing, barmaid class)
Tactical Knuckles ¥98,000 (90 attack, 60 magic, 64 healing, hitman class)
Military Boxcutter ¥59,800 (52 attack, 33 magic, 54 healing, clerk class)
Dawning Daybreaker ¥65,000 (74 attack, 33 magic, 46 healing, bodyguard class)
Genuine Leather Pouch ¥320,000 (57 attack, 66 magic, 72 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, idol class)
Chinese Ladle ¥285,000 (99 attack, 77 magic, 98 healing, chef class)
Officer's Sparkling Wine ¥70,000 (60 attack, 53 magic, 69 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, host class)
Hard Leather Anklet ¥72,000 (53 attack, 38 magic, 73 healing, breaker class)
Nailed Hammer ¥69,000 (78 attack, 33 magic, 65 healing, foreman class)
Mod Guitar ¥55,000 (74 attack, 42 magic, 73 healing, musician class)
Metallic Cards ¥700,000 (105 attack, 70 magic, 98 healing, dealer class)
Full Face Helmet ¥39,800 (12 defense, 6 magic, 2% cut resistance)
Military Armor ¥31,000 (25 defense, 28 dexterity, 20% cut resistance)
Boxing Shoes ¥28,000 (16 defense, 32 agility)
Poppo (Jinnai Station)
The Poppo (Jinnai Station) actually has a sign that reads "Jerry Burger." This is another convinence store that sells food, medicine, and so on. It's found on Jinnai Service Road, on the other side of Jinnai Station.
Seaweed Onigirl ¥130 (+50HP)
Imuraya Steamed Bun ¥130 (+55HP)
Tuna & Egg Sandwich ¥300 (+100HP)
Nozaki's Corned Beef ¥442 (+160HP)
Chicken Karaage Bento ¥600 (+200HP)
Premium Sushi Set ¥2,000 (+500HP)
Suntory Mineral Water ¥110 (+10MP)
Lyemon Tokucha Green Tea ¥190 (+15MP)
The Premium Malt's Bottle ¥500 (+70MP)
Kakubin ¥1,500 (+150MP)
Toughness Z ¥2,000 (+400HP)
Tauriner + ¥5,000 (+200MP)
Staminan X ¥20,000 (+200HP and +200MP)
Chinese Detoxers ¥300 (cures poison)
Astringent Gauze ¥300 (cures bleeding)
Turmeric Tablets ¥300 (cures drunk)
Plant Growth Stimulant ¥2,000 (boosts plants growth speed)
Plant Nutrient ¥1,000 (makes plants yield more)
Garic Seedlings ¥120 (grows into garlic)
Pansy Seeds ¥2,000 (Grows into Pansy)
Lily Seeds ¥3,000 (Grows into lilies)
Pine Seedlings ¥5,000 (grows into pine)
Rose Seeds ¥4,000 (grows into roses)
Sweet Heaven
Sweet heaven is a tiny little shop in Chinatown. They don't sell much here, just some ice cream and stuff. If you need to stock up on more healing items for between rounds of the battle arena.
Soft Serve Ice Cream ¥400 (+50HP and +30MP)
Almond Jelly ¥280 (+30HP and +20MP)
Mango Pudding ¥700 (+150HP and 50MP)
Yi Xing Tang
This is a fancy shop in China Town. You can buy some pretty expensive items here. The biggest thing about this shop is that you can buy a seperate set of revival items, which allows you to have up to 20 of each instead of 10 since there are two version of each revival item. They sell the following items:
Restorative Medicine ¥2,000 (cures all physical ailments)
Comforting Medicine ¥2,000 (cures all mental ailments)
Full Recovery Medicine ¥10,000 (cures all mental and physical ailments)
Restorative Bolus ¥10,000 (revives a fallen ally with 1HP)
Revival Bolus ¥15,000 (revives a fallen ally iwth half of their HP)
Ressurrection Bolus ¥80,000 (revives a fallen ally with full HP and full MP)
Mysterious Compost ¥150 (you can probably harvest something from this)
Mysterious Bulb ¥200 (grows into something)
Mysterious Seeds ¥250 (grows into something)
Carrot Seedlings ¥400 (grows into carrots)
Kai Xin Specialty Store
The Kai Xin Specialty Store is a weapons shop in china town. They offer some pretty expensive items that have decent stats if you can afford them. They sell the following items:
Tranquility Bat ¥190,000 (94 attack, 57 magic, 89 healing, hero class)
Intoxicane ¥208,000 (77 attack, 74 magic, 76 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, homeless guy class)
Shaolin Club ¥220,000 (99 attack, 54 magic, 67 healing, detective class)
Oriental Bag ¥250,000 (95 attack, 70 magic, 94 healing, barmaid class)
Heat Knuckles ¥63,000 (82 attack, 55 magic, 58 healing, boosts damage done by fire attacks, hitman class)
Steel Ruler ¥178,000 (81 attack, 52 magic, 84 healing, clerk class)
Taiji Dao ¥240,000 (105 attack, 48 magic, 67 healing, bodyguard class)
Special Grade Xiang Bin Jiu ¥245,000 (86 attack, 74 magic, 98 healing, recover MP with moral attacks, host class)
Master's Saber ¥230,000 (94 attack, 57 magic, 64 healing, gangster class)
Gold Anklet ¥236,000 (77 attack, 54 magic, 104 healing, breaker class)
Mallet of Fortune ¥270,000 (109 attack, 48 magic, 94 healing, foreman class)
Howling Guitar ¥260,000 (105 attack, 61 magic, 104 healing, musician class)
Gothic Microphone ¥310,000 (73 attack, 57 magic, 93 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, idol class)
Steel Ball ¥2,100,000 (79 attack, 88 magic, 119 healing, 20% impact resistance, chance on normal attack to apply stun, recover MP with normal attacks, fortune teller class)
Thorny Whip ¥380,000 (109 attack, 74 magic, 108 healing, night queen class)
Expert's Helmet ¥95,000 (15 defense, 8 magic, 3% impact resistance)
Wonder Gown ¥85,000 (36 defense, 10% fire resistance, 10% water resistance, 10% electric resistance)
Survival Boots ¥90,000 (30 defense, 35 agility, 5% cut resistance)
Tactical Vest ¥150,000 (6 attack, 44 defense, 20% cut resistance)
Full Belly Buns
Full Belly Buns is a small food shop in China Town. This place doesn't sell much, but if you need to stock up on more variety of small healing items for between rounds of the battle arena, or between battles in the millenium tower, then this might be worth visiting. They sell the following items:
Handmade Meat Bun ¥500 (+150HP)
Shark Fin Bun ¥1,000 (+300HP)
Bean Paste Bun ¥320 (+100HP)
Ultimate Pork Buns
Ultimate Pork Buns is another small food shop in China Town. You can buy a few healing items here to add to your item bag. They sell the following items:
Ultimate Pork Bun ¥100 (+50HP)
Special Chinese Buns ¥500 (+150HP)
Shark Fin Bun ¥1,000 (+300HP)
Roasted Chestnuts ¥600 (+200HP)
The Bun Sauna
The Bun Sauna is another small food hsop in China Town that let's you pick up some small healing items to store in your item bag. They sell the following items:
Handmade Meat Bun ¥500 (+150HP)
Bean Paste Bun ¥320 (+100HP)
Chinese Sticky Rice ¥300 (+100HP)
La Chatte Blanche
La Chatte Blanche is a small hole in the wall kind of shop. Even though it's a big building, it's not very accessible. You have to walk up some stair and then walk by some air conditioning units to get to the entrance. If you can manage to find the entrance this place then you'll see they have some cheap weapons and armor with average stats. They sell the following items:
Classy Golf Club ¥30,000 (70 attack, 42 magic, 66 healing, hero class)
Gentleman's Cane ¥33,000 (41 attack, 42 magic, 40 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, homeless guy class)
Warrior's Jitte ¥38,000 (63 attack, 34 magic, 40 healing, detective class)
Couture Bag ¥45,000 (52 attack, 39 magic, 51 healing, barmaid class)
Fancy Boxcutter (38 attack, 24 magic, 40 healing, clerk class)
Sacred Wood Katana ¥37,000 (59 attack, 26 magic, 35 healing, bodyguard class)
Vintage Cava ¥36,000 (47 attack, 42 magic, 54 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, host class)
Pearl Anklet ¥29,800 (41 attack, 29 magic, 58 healing, breaker class)
Designer Hammer ¥40,000 (62 attack, 26 magic, 51 healing, foreman class)
Electric Acoustic Guitar ¥39,800 (59 attack, 33 magic, 58 healing, musician class)
ESP Cards ¥90,000 (67 attack, 45 magic, 62 healing, dealer class)
Floral Microphone ¥20,000 (36 attack, 29 magic, 49 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, idol class)
All-Purpose Spatula ¥150,000 (70 attack, 55 magic, 69 healing, chef class)
Brand Pouch ¥50,000 (36 attack, 44 magic, 46 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, hostess class)
Riding Crop ¥180,000 (94 attack, 63 magic, 93 healing, night queen class)
20-Pound Ball ¥300,000 (57 attack, 66 magic, 89 healing, recover MP with normal attacks, fortune teller class)
Soft Hat ¥20,000 (10 defense, 5 magic)
Longcoat ¥15,000 (18 defense, 20 dexterity, 20% water resistance)
Leather Shoes ¥16,000 (15 defense)
Hero's Harvest
Hero's Harvest is one of four small trucks that sell items by the sea front. Three of these shops have just piddly food items and this is one of them. Hero's Harvest sells the foods from growing seeds, and they sell the seeds. They sell the following items:
Daikon ¥400 (cooking ingredient +10HP)
Tomato ¥500 (cooking ingredient +10HP)
Hot Pepper ¥1,000 (cooking ingredient +10HP)
Potato ¥1,000 (cooking ingredient +10HP)
Onion ¥1,000 (cooking ingredient +10HP)
Garlic ¥1,500 (cooking ingredient +10HP)
Mysterious Mushroom ¥3,000 (cooking ingredient +50HP)
Mysterious Carrot ¥5,000 (cooking ingredient +50HP)
Daikon Seeds ¥30 (grows into daikon)
Tomato Seeds ¥50 (grows into tomatoes)
Hot Pepper Seeds ¥70 (grows into hot peppers)
Potato Seedlings ¥90 (grows into potatoes)
Onion Seedlings ¥100 (grows into onions)
Garlic Seedlings ¥120 (grows into garlic)
Carrot Seedlings ¥400 (grows into carrots)
Mysterious Compost ¥150 (grows into something)
General Goods Cart
The general goods cart sells all the basic crafting materials for the Romance Workshop crafting. See the romance workshop page for what this shop sells. They sell a lot of different items.
Flowers 2 Go
Flowers 2 go is an interesting shop. They sell a bunch of matured plants that you would grow in grow boxes around the city. They specalize in flowers and trees. This is where to get boquets and flowers for the romances in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. They sell the following items:
Pansy ¥1,400 (flower)
Lily ¥1,600 (flower)
Pine Tree ¥2,000 (tree)
Rose ¥1,800 (flower)
Bouquet of Pansies ¥25,000 (bouquet)
Bouquet of Lilies ¥25,000 (bouquet)
Bouquet of Roses ¥25,000 (bouquet)
Bonsai ¥25,000 (tree thing)
Pansy Seeds ¥2,000 (grows into pansies)
Lily Seeds ¥3,000 (grows into lilies)
Rose Seeds ¥4,000 (grows into roses)
Mysterious Seeds ¥250 (grows into something)
Pine Seedlings ¥5,000 (grows into pine tree)
Mysterious Bulb ¥200 (grows into something)
Hama Wagon Cafe
Hama Wagon Cafe just sells a few food and drink items. Their wares are a little underwhelming, but if you need to stock up on more diversity of healing items, then you might as well stop by this shop. They sell the following:
Lettuce Sandwich ¥300 (+100HP)
Tuna & Egg Sandwich ¥300 (+100HP)
Club Sandwich ¥300 (+100HP)
Frankfurter ¥300 (+100HP)
BOSS Rainbow Mountain ¥120 (+10MP)
Lyemon Tokucha Green Tea ¥190 (+15MP)
Suntory Mineral Water ¥110 (+10MP)
Suntory Black Oolong Tea ¥180 (+15MP)
These are all the shops in Isezaki Ijincho in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.