Cool Minecraft survival island seed with island village and ocean monument

This is one of the best Minecraft seeds ever. This Minecraft 1.15.1 survival island seed has a shipwreck on the starting island and a freshwater lake. Already we're off to a good start on this Minecraft seed. That's not all though, just a small swim away is an ocean monument off the western coast of the village. Things get even better however because beyond the ocean monument is a tiny island with a massive village engulfing it.
The seed is: 8523669603351814879
The Minecraft village seed portion of this has a village that's larger than the island it's created on. The village coordinates are (X-320 by Z300). The ocean monument coordinates are (X-180 by Z180).
So overall this Minecraft 1.15.1 seed is a Minecraft 1.15.1 village seed, Minecraft 1.15.1 island seed, and a Minecraft 1.15.1 ocean monument seed. Because of everything in this village we've classified this as one of the best Minecraft seeds.